Monday, August 3, 2009
Conciencia Social Blog/Website
Protesting the Displacement Crisis
2. 2. The day picked to hold the march was very strategic. Two days later, July 20, is Colombia’s Independence Day. By having the protest just two days before, the displacement community challenged the notion of Colombia’s Independence. They showed Colombians and the world that in fact independence in Colombia is not for all. Not for the displaced community.
(Down with Uribe’s Government)
- Quienes Somos? Desplazados. De donde vivimos? Colombia, Colombia, Colombia
(Who are we? Displaced people. Where do we live? Colombia, Colombia, Colombia)
- Hay estan, hay estan, los que roban la nacion
(There they are, there they are, those that rob the nation)—This was said every time we passed a government office, a food/clothes chain, a person in suit.
- Abajo Accion Social! Abajo, Abajo, Abajo
(Down with Accion Social! Down, Down, Down)—Accion Social is the president’s agency that deals with many social issues, and is the one that is mainly dealing with the displacement issue. After talking to many of the families that participated in Taller de Paz, talking to la Defensorial del Pueblo in Colombia, and by witnessing this protest, the conclusion is that Accion Social is a complete failure, lyers, and frauds.
- Que se cumpla la ley 387! Que se cumpla, que se cumpla, que se cumpla!
(Fulfill Law 387!, Fulfill, fulfill, fulfill)—Law 387 is law that was passed in 1997 especially to address the displacement crisis. Obviously, this law was just constructed with false promises. You can read more about it here.
- Somos desplazados, no somos delinquentes!
(We are displaced, not delinquents)
- El pueblo, sin techo, exige sus derechos!
(The community, without a roof, demands their rights)
I leave with some footage from the protest.