Today in the Taller de Ingles y Literatura we first learned several different expression such as happy, angry, scared, sad, and mocking. After practicing pronunciation, we eaach emulated the different expressions using animated faces and gestures as well as loud and most likely obnoxious sounds. Then we learned the different parts of the face including eyes, noses, ears, eye brows, cheeks, etc. We played a game where one student blind-folded was guided by another student to find the different parts of the face on the floor and collect a complete face.
and they gave me instructions as to what emotion I should
express. As soon as they said the word in English, I made the
face and they took the picture. This is the result of "scared".

recreation. The students hung out in different small groups
very active and very very curious. Every time I see her
she asks me to translate a new word from Spanish to English.
Then Deivid began the arm wrestling fights. All of the students
wanted to challenge the Profers (as teachers are called here), and we
were able to win all of them until they began to organize ...
We returned to the Tallers for another activity that involved
finding the different parts of the face on the floor, naming them,
and then putting the face together (eyes, ears, nose, and mouth).
This was all done blind-folded with a guide to tell them where to
go to pick up the different parts, in English.
The younger students put the face together over
the real face of Valeria.
Paula posed next to the face that she put together.
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